For most products, you have 14 days to notify us if you want to return or exchange your item. The return period will expire 14 days from the day on which you receive the goods you ordered.

How to cancel your order, or return or exchange a product

1) Log in to your account to request a refund or contact to let us know that you wish to cancel your order, or return or exchange a product. We will put you in touch with the seller directly to discuss your cancellation, return or exchange.

2) Once you have contacted the Seller and have confirmation for your return, send the item back to the Seller within 14 days of letting the Seller know that you want to cancel your order and return the product.

3) We will process the refund directly to your payment card, in no more than 14 days after receipt.

If you wish to return an item you will need to pay for return postage. We strongly recommend you keep your proof of postage until the Seller confirms receipt.

  • Products that are bespoke, customised or made to order, unless faulty
  • Perishable goods e.g. food and drink, unless faulty
  • Items sold with a hygiene seal e.g earrings and skincare, unless faulty